Resolutions Of Condolence
At a regular meeting of the St. Thomas Branch, No. 14, C. M. B. A., Ann Arbor, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, to remove by death our late brother, Thomas P, Bonner, and by his death this branch has lost a devoted member. Resolved, That the members of this branch tender to the devoted wife and children of the deceased, our sincere regret, in their affliction, at the loss of one who was at the same time a dutiful husband aud kind father. Resolved, That our charter be draped, and prayers be offered for the repose of his soul at our regular meetings for thirty days, and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our late brother, Thomas P. Bonner, and published in our weeklv papers.