"little Nugget" At The Grand Opera House
"Little NuSget,"thefavorite musical comedy, will appear at the Grand Opera House next Monday evening, January 12. All the readers of the Argus will, no doubt, remember this successful comedy, and space will not permit going into details, although it should be said that since last seen here the comedy has been rewritten. New songs, dances, specialties, music, new characters, two charming soubrettes, and the great lady quartette, have leen added. With the able support of the comedians, Herbert and Joe Cawthorn, "Little Nugget" will no doubt do the usual land-office business in this city. Of it the Pittsburg Leader says: "The house waspacked to sufiocation, and nearly a thousand people were turned away; every seat was filled and every aisle and lobby packed to its utmost capacity. The play, 'Little Nugget,' is a tion of fun, music, songs, dances, clever specialties, and witty sayings. The performance is one loud, long and hearty laugh. It is a mirth provoker. As one of the auditors last night said: 'You must laugh, you can't help it.' There is a strong melodramatic flavor connected with the fun. The closing scène of the second act, showing the bursting of the Milford dam, the rising of the waters and the floating away of the oíd mili with "LittleNuggef'inside, is highly exciting and is a well managed piece of stage work. The fun is fast andfurious, clean, wholesonie and bright. A woyl of praise is also due the excellent quartette who rendered many pleasing selections. Messrs Herbert and Joe Cawthorne as 'Barney O'Brady' and 'Jake Kumpher,' Miss Susie Forrester as "Mrs Simpkins," and Miss Gilmore as 'Little Nugget' were given in a most satisfactory manner, as were the other supporting artists." Ellis D. Alley, of Dexter, has entered the employment of A. L. Noble, at the Starclothing house.
'Little Nugget'
Grand Opera House
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Grand Opera House