The Great French Remedy
The Great French Remedy. Dr. -LeDuc's Periódica! Pilis f rom Paris, France, act on tho g-enerative organs in females.aridpoíitivelycuresuppressíouof tho incusos (trom whatever cause) and all periodioal troubles peculiar to nomen. A safo, reliable retnedv warranted to promote mcnstruatiou or mo'aey reiunded. ühould not be used durintf preunancy. A large proportion of ills to whieb ladies are liableis the direct resultof adisordered or irregular menstruation. Ask nny druffgiat. Price, 12. Eborbach & Son, Solo Agents for Ann .-irbor. Kobert Steveason f.,WholesaJe AgentB,
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