Several cases of measlcs in Milan. The Misses Murray are visiting in Ohio. Born, to Mr. affd Mrs. Daerson, a daughter. Miss Ona Andrews has returned to Muskegon. Mrs. Belle Taylor has returned from Saginaw. Mrs. Chas. Kelsey is visiting friends in Detroit. Rev. J. Huntington is visiting in Detroit for a few days. Miss Ina Whitmarsh visited Ann Arbor friends last week. Miss Sara Buxton returned to her ïome in Detroit Monday. The ice harvest is fine. Ice solid, nine and ten inches thick. Mrs. Clark, of Mooreville, is visting her children in Milan. Miss Hattie Woolcott returned to Ypsilanti the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Whitmarsh visited Detroit the first part of the week. Mr. J. C. Rause and wife retuned rom their visiting tour Wednesday. Robert Stevens, of Kendallville, "nd., has been visiting friends here. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gerrydied of measles, Monday. Mr. Morton is building a new íouse. It will be done before pring. Mrs. Stewart, of Oak Harbor, is he guest of her sister, Mrs. O. A. Celley. Dr. Merrie and C. Marble visited Ann Arbor on important business ast week. Miss Allie Harper left for Cadilac Saturday, to resume her duties as teacher. Vacation has gone, and the school work has begun in earnest for both eachers and pupils. A. D. Jackson had a fine time meeting the boys of the seventh cavalry at Jackson last week. Jimmie Jneid ana troupe arew a ;ood house, although they had inclement weather to contend with. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church, held their tea social at Mrs. Ball's, on First street, Wednesday. Dean & Co. have sold out the ïobb stock of groceries to M. M. Clark, who will continue the business at the old stand. Milan is too lamentably healthy !or the practicing physicians in this vicittity. They are sighing for the jreen apple season. Married, Jan, i, '91, by Rev. Jay ïuntington, at the Baptist parsonage, E. B. Davis and Miss Erama 'inch, both of York. Sixty-five new ñames has the Milan Leader to start out on its '91 ourney. Editor Smith wears a jeamingcountenance in consequence thereof. The Farmers' and Merchants' Jank, of Milan, show by their last report to have a steady growth. Fhey are appreciated by many in this vicinity. John Shipman died of old age, tfonday, at his residence on Forest avenue. He was born in New York eighty-seven years ago, and came to Michigan in 1831, first settling in Pittsfield. The Ypsilanti Light Guards, Monday night, elected C. L. Begole, resident; Tracy L. Towner, vicejresident; Fred L. Gallup, recording secretary; Harry C. Sullivan, financial secretary, and the following directors, F. D. McKean, H. C. Sullivan, B. L. Gilbert, J. P. Kirk and C. L. Begole. The Epworth League elected the 'ollowing officers at their last meetng: President, L. G. Eddy; ist vice president, M. E. Edwards; 2d vice president, Mrs. L. G. Eddy; 3d vice president, Mrs. GE. Sloan; 4th vice president, Frank Trussell; secretary, Miss Florence King; treasurer, Miss Mabel Graham.
Ladies Aid Society
Dean & Co.
Milan Leader
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Ypsilanti Light Guard
Epworth League
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Hattie Woolcott
J. C. Rause
Mrs. G. Gerry
Jimmie Field
M. M. Clark
Jay Huntington
E. B. Davis
Emma Finch
John Shipman
C. L. Begole
Tracy L. Towner
Fred L. Gallup
Harry C. Sullivan
L. G. Eddy
M. E. Edwards
Frank Trussell
Florence King
Mabel Graham