Stinson & Co.
POHTLM, lUlNK. SGftttO.on a yev i" bduj mwln by John R QoodwIntTiy,N.Y.,l work ioi us. Helder, Ij-on mny not niake ji much, bul w cnn teadi youquicKly liow ioearn from #6 to $ Jü m (Iav ftt tlm slarl, aiul umie M yon f;o on. Both üit-xcs,!! itp'i. I ny prt of lAmerlca, you can contmncf at homo, jivrlnir all vowr thiif,oi' spar' ininenta only to the work. All Is ntw. Graat pay SIKi: for very workcr. We itflrt you, furniehhig verytblne. EASILY, SPEEDILY learnefi. I'AHTICÜLAlíS FlllíK. AcldreMat once. w oBmL
Stinson & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John R. Goodwin
Portland Maine