A LOT OF Camber Suites, TabJe$, Chair$, Ec, I that should have been here three weeks ago, are rolling in in immense quantities THE CHOICBST PATTEKÑS I on which Grand Rapids manufacturéis were oversold. I canI not carry theni tbrough the summer and they must be moved now CASH WILL C ATCH A BARGAIN I I confess I want your money but I will make it pay yon well to leave it with me. W. ♦ G. DIETERLE. 3 N. B. - Just in, a lot of nice coverings and I am prepared I to do your upholstering thoroughly and in first-class style. W. G. DIETERLE, 37 S. Main St. r i ■ imw- wb- iawmiiiiiwiiB
W. G. Dieterle
Furniture - Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
W. G. Dieterle
37 S Main St