GEORGE W. MIIXEÏT, WHO AS SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE HATIOSÜ. ílífi ÉÜWCE 11 DESIRES TO SAY That Tuf National Life Insurance: Company was incorporated by the Legisla- ture of Vermont in 1848. lts existence practically covers the whole history of Life Insurance in America, as the oldest company wrote its first policy in 1843. Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky; Hon. Amos Abbott, of Massachusetts ; Hon. Alex. Ramsey, of Pennsylvania were among the incorporators. That during the forty years of its successful experience, it has passed through the cholera epidemie of 1854, the financial panics of 1857 and 1873, as well a the ordeal of the Civil War. These were t eriods wheu corporations and individuals were tried to their utmost capacity. On every side were failures, large and small, but the National came out with a record of solid prosperity., and not a scar to mark the greatest financial disturbances ever known in this country, lts policy contracts, therefore possess all the security and permanence that stability and successful experienee can guarantee. That it wrote in Michigan during the year 1888 $74.000, and during the year 1889 $752,000, which was the largest per cent. of gains during said year by any company in Michigan. No company writes a more satisfactory policy, writing in the face of each policy three guarantees: First. - A paid-up policy. Second. - A cash surrender for each year after the third. ThiRD. - An extended nsurance wbich provides for all emergencies that may overtake anyone between youth and oíd age. Other facts and fiures gladly furnishcd bj B"kmi"on Geo.W. Millen.