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George McClain was in Jackson Wednesday. Mrs. Avery and daughter returned to Three Oaks last Saturday. Quite a number went from here Tuesday night to Ann Arbor to hear Stanley. The young people had a dance Wednesday night at Sue Cathcart's, just north of town. The young ladies are providing themselves with appropriate costnmes for their gymnastic exercises. Drummers by the dozen are here daily now placing goods for next spring's trade, which is expected to be good here. The week of prayer is being observed with interesting special meetings at the churches here every night tfcis week except Saturday. There has been more life in the jaarket the past week and better arrivals. Wheat has brought 88 to 90 cents; rye, 66 cents; oats, 42 cents; barley nominal at 1.35; beans, $1 to I1.50; clover seed, L3.75; dressed pork, Í4. The Good Templars held open lodge Tuesday night and had interesting exercises on the demerits of eider. They have open lodge next Tuesday night and have readings, essays, addresses, etc, on the desaerits of beer. Married, on Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of the bride's father, G. W. Turnbull, Miss Phoebe Turnbull to Harold Morley, of Yarmouth, ■ear St. Thomas, Ontario. Rev. iailey officiated. The bride was well and favorably known here, and the well wishes of many friends go with her to her new home. The Mappy couple left on the afternoon train Wednesday for their home at Yarmouth.