There Is Only One
There is only one Swift's Speciffc (S. S. S.), and there is nothing like it. Do not be deceived by the numerous imitations, substitutes, frauds, etc, which are being pushed on the public by persons whose deare is to make money on the credulous. S. S. S. is a distinct medicine, is different from any other remedy. It must not be classed with the old worn out potash, mercury, sarsaparilla, thousand-dosesfor-a-shilling articles, which are adertised, as it is not at all like them. S. S. S. cures by eliminating the poison from the blood by its action on the skin, and never fails to give relief and build up the health of the patiƫnt. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases will give much valuable information, and mailed free to applicants.
Ann Arbor Argus
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