"No, siree," said the umbrella manufactu...
"No, siree," said the umbrella manufacturer, "I shall not advertise in your paper. I've watched your attitude toward my business. Last mimmer you predicted seven clear to two rainy days, and I don't eonsider hat friendly." A Book -ra Buy.- Webster's International Dictionary. This oew book is the authentic "Unabridged" thoroughly revised and enlarged under the supervisión of Noah Porter, I). D., LL. D., of Yale University. Editorial work on the revisión has been in active progress for over ten years, and more than a hundred paid literary workers have been engaged upon it. The sum expended in its preparation before the first copy was printed exceeded 1300,000. This work, well used in a family, will be of more valué to the members thereof than many times its cost laid up in money. Pretty Girl- I wish I knew what costume to get for the f ancy ball. Little Brother- I'll teil you what, sis. Wear y'r spotted veil and go as a small mx patiënt.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus