Cancerous Eczema
Cancerous Eczema. For many years I have been sorely afflicted with Eczema on my face. The eruption was in large splotches, and cancerous nature. I had treatment from a number of experienced physicians, with little or no benefit, and only of a temporary nature. At'ter other treatraents had failed I bought seven bottles of S. S. S. from Messrs. Tennille & Holland, of Troy, Ala., and it cured me. I feel like a new man, my painful troubles and apprehension is all gone, and now at sixty years of age I am once more restored to health, and it is due entirely to S. S. S. My Post Office s Orion, Pike County, Ala. H iranĂ Thweatt. Frcatlse on Blood and Skin Diseasea maileU Pree. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. "Life is an accident, "And is always fatal." Catarrh In the head Is a constitutional Disease, and requires A constitutional remedy Like I lood 's Sarsaparilla, Which purifies the blood, Makes tlie wenk strong, Restores health. Pry it now.
Drugs (Medical)
Swift Specific Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus