SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT Of Chronlc Dlseases at the Provldent Medical Dispensary, New York City-A Word to the Afflicted. Ai-e you accustomed to think and act for yourself ? It so, do not heed the counsel of skeptical friends or iealous physicians. You perhaps know nothing of ua nor our facilities and advantages of perfecting cures in cases beyond reach of aid of the general practitioner. Knowing nothing ;hen f all these advantages you still know as much as the would-be friend who never loses an opportunity to prejudiee the afflicted against us. We wish to add that we are responsible to you for what we represent, and we would ask you to cali on Dr. Fruth, Exmaiining Surgeon of the Provident Dispensary, on the occasion of his visit to Ann Arbor, Thursday January 15th, 1891, atthe Cook House and examine our record of cases cured, when hope of cure had been abandoned, We court honest, sincere investigation, and the doctor will be glad and anxious to show ioterested people what we can and are daily doing for suffering humanity. If, therefore, you are afflieted and are seeking relief, go where germine ability is a ruling feature and the alleviation of human suffering our mission. All curable cases taken, are uaranteed.
Physicians & Surgeons
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Cook House Block