Names Of Cigars
I never knew a smoker whose inouth didn't when he heard the word "Perfectos'' used, but I doubt if many cigar lovers lmow whatthe wordineans. Without bothering aboat the derivation, it siinjjly applies to a cigar that i& rolled and mude in ihe best possible marnier, and henee inore expensive than the ordiriary .irticle. Any kind of tobáceo can be used in a Perfectos, alt.liough it doesn't pay to use a very inferior grade in it. The other most corumon ñames indicating shape and make ai-e Concha, Regalia and Reina Victoria, which you will see on boxes in auy good cigar store. Strictly speaking, a "Bouquet" cigar is one that has a ribbon tied aronud it, but of late paper bands have passed muster pretty freely. The name on the front of a cigar bos always tella the expert the size and shape, while ho looks to the
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