A New War Story
This story of fchirty-six brave soldiera on the one side put to otter rout and rapid ñight 3,000 brave soldiei-s on the otber side is frora tho lips cf a private who fought in the ranlrs throngh the sturing scènes of the sixties and eame out with an honorable discharge. In 1862 Hanover Junction, a little town betweeu the f orks of the North Anna and South Anna rivers, was held by a body of troops from Longstreet'a brigade. There were about 3,000 of them, and as the post was a vantage point about the saine nnmber of troops were sent from McClellan's army to attack the place. Among tho first to cross the North Anna rivor was Private McCarthy, of a New York regiment, now a resident of Kansas City. With him were thirtyfonr ine:nbci-3 of the same eompany, commanded by Oapt. Kilpatrick. The 3.Q00 defenderá of the post were drawn up in battlo file some distance from the river. Hardly had Kilpatrick's men reached the b:ink whe:i he coa:nanded thern to charge, and the little troop of thirty-six went charging directly in the face of ü.oo.i li-.ups drawn up in line of battle. Thr siit of tho little body charging alo:iK was too much for the nerves of thé J.O0O raw ti-üojis and they fled. CJnnsed to the irtific.es oí' war, they thouyïit there nrast b:? some uick' in it, and they cut at onco for talier timber. The littlo troop of thirty-sis had accomplished withoat the loss of a man ■what ruight probably have taken 0,000 men to ïo.
Battle of Hanover
U.S. Civil War
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Hanover Junction VA