Report Of The Condition
OF THE FARMERS' & HECE&IZCS W - AT - ANM ARBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of business, OCTOBEn 2nd, ISSKi. KESOtTKCES. Toans nncl discounls $21-VC83S Stocks, hftnua, iimnuïig 9, ele.. "iñ -h B Over r..l! Ï.078W Daef ui l:nir-inr.-.-;ivp eiiles ?a 1-79 J Df fr'llU h. N.iW (11 17 5 ., Al B'llein ir ir.i ., ,giM Furnium' :uid UX U'es s,() U UB Curient expeua 8 .ud tixt's paid 'in a ínter st phfd l,l"026 Checks Hnd cuati it-ms '2-r ] Nickels and pennius ifiOGd 'Jld ...." 0. :R 45 Su ver 1. 'ñ7 4g U. S. and Nati nul Bank notes 18J.S3 09 Total (68,9IT LIA, ILITIKS. Capital tnck pnid in ) S" ÜO0 o Rnrplusfimd "... loj-C'O o UndivWod iimtlta ' !(4 20 ;otnmirci;tl dp tsiti. 25' VJ 17 Saviiig licpi gita 4 '79; g Uno i'i mui haukern V4 74 To'1 it8,tfn 7 STATE OF MCHIGAN. ; Oouniy ol "nflil-ïinw. i8s' I, Fr u-mk II. Belsêr, Caahier of the ahov nmrml xiuk.du Milemnly swi ar lhit the „,ve stetemcK' ia true 10 the w-t uf my k.,w edKe and he uf. F H Belseh, üaal.iw, Suh-iTiiied nud swüin 10 lii fore me 1 liisel' ventb day ofOclober, LS9 . Wm. VV. ÏThrdok. ., N"i(irv i'iihUc. ConBBCT- Altcst : 'HAS. E. Gl'EFNF,,) JuNtus E. Real, '-Dirwtors. Keuuun Kümpk, j