Dr. Fruth
THUHSDAY, JANUARI 15th, 1891. Consultation and BiaminatioB tree aud ocutldential in his parlors -A-T1 THE OOCK jHIOTJ-SEï, f rom 9:í. ui. to 5 l. ii . )v.v ■].: i.ïily . Lil ! B wS? '■' ■'■■ 3P5B C""v OP THE NEW YORK C1TV, AHy assisted by a full corps of competent physicians and SHrgcons, ireat wilh unparall, -, , - -, , , tlmmUiSki a nd .OW distase of every nature upon The teteu denntic pril DL .larly invites all whose cases have been neglected, badly treated or pronoimced inc urabk . ',;„"' oinKwellunderthecareof their own physicians need not cali o Tus, asour pr..vince ., ,n titJl , wí annot find relief oiherwise. komooey requircd of rcsponsibk paitks to commenc treaiineo, Coinnion Sense as Applied to Medicine. It inwell known by all ïnieUit-enr observa ëni f lífm r'„C„ AS?h" '" h.05P1"k.d.Leneral practice. ai.d havmg fhe mo.1 r. . L$ ricíírp ndftS fíí fIIowing hicl1 peculiar to the large hwpila] , and ia n an 1 ■ rv r 1 b-n ttt hl .nternM y S' V'2':v He"ef"y otes the nrmptom. f tic pat.ent. .,,,„ , ,. , S, ditiw? [.e' fe"ïuie of? hed'seaseanditscause. Knowing ne düease. be bon the ,..„,.,„ K,r,x, ,, . -J ," t? issues, and, knowing the changes, he checks thein wnh specil'ic remedí, ..:..., h "l UhL arebey,;d Zp " " """"" he 'elb "" " k lbl ' ] ' '- ' Ulp tto. ? ?'hf aminations are in accordancewithanalomical and v'ivc.-!) vu. .,,.,- 1 v ' ,-,,, ... nuB keptlCaJ. By an exammation he will convince anyone of thc nature .. " ?! o l.fe and chance of a perfect cure. Beheving that science s trnth ad "ir vlum known, and knowing that diseasc can be cured with posilive certakm he iuvit, i 7ocL ad receive advice free and be curcd of thcir discases. ' '' ■ "■ -.Th%1'S "? su1ltct that re1uir so mch study and experiencc as th Ireattnei c dk a.-.. TheastonisKinsuccessandremark.ble cures perfoimcd by hii-i is ,., , .-d" he structure and functionsofthe human System, and the cnre ordeas by natural I-X' Xff' ' ""i"" t" '"cccssfully treated the foUo íü nte I ,'arri , f ,K üf nd Ear diseases, Chronic Warrhaa, Chronic lnflammatioD of Se Wonib, Chrotm. Inflan vórms K ?h d derh Paln.fu' f Irregular Menstniation, FevexSore. and Olcers, lr.conliñeure of " ne "" iVor ns, Crooked Limbsand Lnlarged Jomts, Spinal Curvaturei, Club Foot, Iiip [oint Diseas, , Wh.le Scl hï'KM S'n R5865! Sterilltiy " Barrenness, Nervousness and Gtner j Deblbty. Impc-ency, D )■ he Kidneys ana Bladder, Leucorrhea or Whites, Blotcbes, Pimples, Sk,n ( síml Dyspïïsia l'oMtii Jropsy .Cáncer, Epileptic Fits, Erys.pelas Gravel, Goitre, Gleet, 'Cnnorrhoea, rVyíroSCfte.rt 3 jeadache, Piles, Hystcria, Syphillis, St. Vitus Dance, Chronic Dvsemcrv, Entergcd Tonsils Fit.ulaiñTr! !" RuPJijre, Ovarían ïumors, Paralysis, Prolapsus üteri, BSchit,Tstbm" Catarrh ScrrfM oLpSrmed S ' Weakness, Sptrmatorrhoca, Rheumaám, etc. All irgicil opers Curing of Piles guaranteed. Will give ' Jfrivate Jttïeoses.-Kl..o! To'-or., Syp; i,ooo for any case of failure. No money required illis, Gonorrhoe.v. Gleet, btricture Uydro. ete V iric f rcsponsible part.es. e, Lo of Sotuiü Poitr and all diiiusS of hega oiiiik Men through ignorance or the ito-urinary ori;,n ípecdily and petmaiiently cure. anle exuberance of youthful, spirits, have been No risks Wurred. ConsZltatioi 5?ri inlortunate and find themselves in danger of losing confidentla!. Medicine se::; lre , ,onl heirhealth and embutenng their after lives may cali allpartsof the Uailed Í -' iith full confidenc . R. Has attained the most . MidtlJe Agecl Meas, who fi:!d tlii onderful success in the treatment ol the cases to v'gr and vitafity venVeacd by tbc tr.iccs cfol ihich he devoteshisspecialattention. Afterycarsof cpmplaints and their ix,dk rackcd with pain at ■xperience he has discovered the most infalhble tune when ibey should spend thrir deeüning yeai ncthodof curing weakness in the back and limbs, in peace and somfort, should consult Dr. rrutii nvoluntary discharges, impotency, general debility, oni;e and find the sympathy . :.. relief yciu positivet itrvousi; ss, languor, confusión of ideas, palpitation require, His cures are t!ioiui!„ti _nü péi manent . ' istsehsCoft;t!êSno1e1;1tnnrOorayt1 ""{'„'".■.ta.i'of Difa Woe.-We shl co, he liver. stomach and bowels-those terrible disor"": herctofo,,-. io üt.u t constden Iers arising from the soluary habits of youth and on and kill the diseascs ptciiiiar towomen. Oi ecret pnetices, blighting thc most radiant hopes and opetion for Fxstula, Kuptuied Cervu lien.Ruj endermg marriage impossible. tured rerincum. and ivt htnclure ut tho Cervic; Kpilepsy, or Fits, positively cured by a new Saval " ij"11 ulung in Mer.lity. have bee nd never-failing method. uke grUlying both to ourselvcs.ind our patients. Free Examlnation of the Urine. Each person applymg for medical treatment sbori end or bring an o unce ollWt urine, which will receive a careful chemici aid inicro:opical examinatmJ Remarkabe Cures perfected in old cases which have beea nc (tiected or unskillfully ueate Jo experimenis or failure. Pames treated by mail and express, but whero ible .enranal consultiion orí erred. Curable cases guaranteed. List of questions free. Wcsiern Addr:, Ut.. FHt'TH,' REFERENCES - We, the undersigned, do cheerfully and conscientiousry recorumcnd Dr. Frnth' as a edí leman cf rare professional abihty, npe in judgnient, humane to a fault, considérate in price md nthusiastSl ■,e iS w 1 "o men, and we therefore urge the afflicted to avail thenweWenof h superior skill:-Grai il!eM Weeks, M. D., L. L.D, President Provident Dispensary, N. ,T. Mered.ih Maxwell A Jf JM i. b. Parker, A. M., M. L.. loledo, O. AüoEx.Governpr Fctlcr's BwA, Fotiotjí Ohio.
Physicians & Surgeons
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
D. O. Fruth
Cook House Block