What Gen. Wiley Missed
Gen. John A. Wiley risee np every dow and then in the middle of the night and kicks himself when he thinks how near he once carne to being a millionaire. It was through no fault of his own that his plan-niÍ8carricd, bnt all on .account of a tronved party failing to carry out instructions. It happened about ten years ago, on a trip with a friend through the southwest, when the niining fever was at its height. They were at Tucson, Ariz., where prospector were thick, and had talked to some of them who had the "best thing in the world" for sale. Finally a inan put in au appearanoe who said he was positive that he had a big thing; that ho had two claims sixty miles from there in which was a rich deposit of copper that would assay $75 in sil ver to the ton; that there was a hog backed mountain on the claims which he had tapped in a straight line in four different places and struck copper each time. The man'a talk had the true ring. but, like most of the prospectors, he ".vas wi thout money. He had a fine gold watch, and this he put up to guarantee the expenses of the two daya' journey by wagon in case the property was not what he claimed. They paid his expenses at th.hotel, and the next morning started on the trip. Arriving there they found everything to be as he had represented, and arranged to buy the two claims outright for the sum of $8,000. the general to take a quarter interest for himself. They had traveling with thein a young man in whom they had confidence, and to Mm they intrusted the details of the arrangement, as they wished to proceed home and had found means of returning to Tucson at once. So the agreement was drawn, up and the young man and the prospector were to ga to Tombstone, eighty miles in an opposite direction, where the money had been depo3ited subject to the youngman's check, with positive instructions for him to pay the money and close the deal. The general and hiscompanion arrived home, but three weeks ha ving passed by, and tho letter that they longed for not having come, they telegraphed their agent to ascertain the cause of his delay in forwarding the papers. He answered that he had sent a letter. When it came they learned from the contents that he had not settled the matter, having come to the conclusión that it was best, in his judgment, not to purchase thè claims. And this, too, from a man who had ;eceived positive instructions to close the deal! Wel!, shortly afterward an agent of Flood and Mackay came along, gave the poor prospector a cool $100,000 and the retentioa of a one-eighth interest for his claims, and entered into an agreement with the millionaire to work the mine on a certain percentage. The company was stocked for $12,000,000. So, you see, the general's one-fourth interest would have stood him $3,000,000. The "Copper Queen" is still a great mine, while it is said that the agent who took the contract of working the same has pulled out as high as $60,000 in one month for his percentage.-
History - United States
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John A. Wiley