At The Two Sams
BUY YOUR CLOTHING AT THE TWO SAMS. BUYÏÏOUR OV ERGO ATS AT THE TWO SAMS. The best placa infthe city for;Bargains. aafeaqEiO j gtps MBtélÈi was ne Word :áf w W ji__jlg_ ff that opened the "" - min" xíis yfg _f0 person haviug guesssed the Word, we have therefore sent $50.00' to President J. B. Angel], for the Gym Fund. To Mrs. Philip Bach, Troasurer of Ladies' Charitableg Union, $[g. 50 To Mrs. Ghristian Mack, President of Ladies' Aid Society of E. Charch, Í12.5O. To Mrs. Sophia Spriüg, President of Ladies' Germau Aid Society, $12.50. To Mrs. Jerome Freeman, $12.50, to be distributed to the poor children in her charge. With Compliraents of the Season,