GRAND OPERA HOUSE ANN AEBOH, MICH. One Performance Only Monday Eve., January 12, '91. A Cargo of Fun! The Merry-Laughtcr Makers of the Comedy world. THE COMEDIANS, HERBERT AND JOE CAWTHORN Under the THreetton of DRADY & GARWOOD, PreBenting the Brighteet Comedy Farce, LITTLE -HyUSGET The Funnfoet lrlsh romedian. The Greatest, Gerinnn Comedian. The Brlxht Chariuiug Soubrette The Hwoeteet Sinsera. Iatest Songs. Mugtc and Dances. The Nugget Quartette. Prices, 35, 50, and 75 Cents. Seate now on sale at the P. O. News Stand.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Herbert Cawthorn
Joe Cawthorn
Grand Opera House