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Schairer & Millen

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MTurfKkiUgchHafy GR.EAT MáRK-DOWN Green Ticket Sale Commencing Friday Morning, January 2nd, 1S91, as A Happy New Yenx Offering and continue For Thirty Days. This Sale doos not apply to one Thing butEverything in our Establishment. All yon ïequire is tho cash. It will doublé itsvalueon erery purchnee you uiake at thip Bale. CLOAKS! The time is ripe now for a Grand Clearing of the entire stock. Every grarment marked down with the Green Ticket, sorae %, gome ií off and une in LotR at 50 1 ente on the dollar We are froing to let them all slde . Silks and Drtgg Goods mustgo with the Green Ticket. 0 pieces black and eolored Dress Goods worth 25, 36 uud -10 ets. all marked down to 19 cents a yard. 10 piccee 50 inch Black Mohair, SS et?. quality, now 57 cents a yard. 1500 yards 10 cent Cnrtain Scrim now a'icenteayard. 2 cates Shsker Flannel. during this saleSot?. ayani. 5(10 yards plaid and check white goods now 6 centf a yard, JO dozen Ladtei'Gray Ribbcd Vests, worth 50 cente, now 26 cents. 15 .lozen Ladies' Lon Sleevc Kibbed Vopts now lit cents eaoh. Hosiery, (Jlovos, Corsets audUnderwear all niai ked dow a with the Green Ticket. t% AU rop '.(,0 O.tO and ÏU.00 Robo í' Dresí l'ntterne i)ow}6.50 & olorc-d and Plaid Drena Goods, black ik DrcH8 Goods, Hilk Warp Henriet'as all H m arked down with the Green Ticket. i, This will te a Grtat Sale. It outs down oui iiict-8 to one-half and will OUt down o;:r fiteck 112,000 worth. DUIUNG THIS JANÜARY SALE Frices Will Move Anything The Stock will be ready at S o'clock Friday Morning. Always the Cheapest.