BÍCUÍT& COS GREAT REDUCTION SALE! TO CONTINUE Until February 1, '91. $15.00, $16.00 and $18.00 Newmarkets reduced fto $10.00. $6.00 and $7.00 Cloth Jackets, $4.50. Plush Jackets at Cost. Misses' Cloaks at Cost, and less. Children's " " " " " All other Cloaks at priees to close. DEEP -:- CUT That is what we have made in the price of Knit Underwear Ladies' and Gents' $1.00 Scarlet Underwear reduced to 75 certs. Ladies' Union Suits at Cost. 4 ' i [Press Goodsf All of our 65c Plaids reduced to 50c. All of onr 60 anq 65c Serges reduced. to 50c, for this sale. All our 64 Wool, 75c Plaids reduced to 50c Ten pieces Freneh Flannel, lor CHldren, reduced from 50c to 25c, to close. The priee on Woolen Blankets badXf cut. Our Show Window will give jou an idea of the Cut. $1.50 Grey BJankets at $1.00; $4.50 White and arlet Blankets cut to $3.00. We have marked the priee of Beaver and CamePs Hair Shawls from $6.00 and $6.50 to $4.00. All other qualifeitts in the same proportion. B. Attend this Sale, as it is the toet important ever announced in the ity. You will get the best goods and the Lowest Prices, until Febraary lst, 1W1. BAOH, ABEL & CO., 26 S. MAIN STREST. WILL itraiiiij)! The Finest Line of EDLIDAÏ GÜS In the City, at the LO WEST -:- PRÏCES Can be Seen at Goodyear's, DRUGSTORE, Ho, 5 South iliin Strsei, Ann Arbor.