Smith's Bile Beans
SCVOJ . SEVTHTTtH SeVtWTY I cure Bilioueness, Sick Headache, Constipntion, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tlia safe and certain reruedy. Pe the RM.VI.I. Size (401ittleBcnnsto the tottle). Thbv are the host convenient. Suitnblo 11 Vges. griec of citlicr slac, 25c. per Bottle. [IJiInlÍATÍ'"il"U PANEL SIZE. ■ml W V II 1 9 VI Miiled for t ets. (coppers or stampei J.f.SMITH&CO.Maieraof"BILEELA.B,"ST. LOUIS MO.
Drugs (Medical)
J. F. Smith & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
St. Louis MO