Classified Ad: Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
We've heard of a woman who said she'd walk five miles to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription if she couldn't get it without. That woman had tried it. And it's a medicine which makes itself felt in toning up the system and correcting irregularities as soon as its use is begun. Go to your drug store, pay a dollar, get a bottle and try it - try a second, a third if necessary. Before the third one's been taken you'll know that there's a remedy to help you. Then you'll keep on and a cure '11 come. But if you shouldn't feel the help, should be disappointed in the results - you'll find a guarantee printed on the bottle-wrapper that'll get your money back for you. How many women are there who'd rather have the money than health? And " Favorite Prescription " produces health. Wonder is that there's a woman willing to suffer when there's a guaranteed remedy in the nearest drug store. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Mild and effective.
Drugs (Medical)
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus