Mr. Lo Hemmed In
Pink Ridgk AGKJíCT, S. D., Jan. ",.- Saturday fed Cloud trie 1 toslipaway fi-om the bostilesand return to the iigoiicy. When the iacL waa disoovred ly t.he hostiles they shot all m his pooies, numbering about lifteen; a guaní over the old chief Hnd proceeded to more severa! miles faither from here. Thitt last raove places tlieir main ramp within but . a few miles of tiie Bad Lauds, but the warrior-i, accordiu to the reports of scouts, keep circliug within ten ov a dozeu milirs of here all the time. The enemy are camped on White Clay Crcek, fifteen mik-s nortl) oí the agency. Effect of tlin Gliost Dtincr. Thoy number not ie-ns than 1,000 warriors .-nd a horde of squaws and children. X'tiose who lihve retnrned say that thero are lai'gu nnuibers of straagera from other asen;ies in the erowd. Tlie rc-fugoes adinit that the number of Indiana killed in tue White Clay battla of ïuesday was larga. The effect of the ghost dance delusion is ïsen in the faot tuat the Indians make no attempt to remove the dead from tne battlelifild or to care for the wouoded. Their idea is tbat every one who is killed ur dies irom his wound is iu big luck and wil; iurn into a búllalo, etc. Ëiicircling the Hostiles. There is a circle drawn around the hostile Indians now, it being completed by the departure of Gapt. Crossly, of the Seventh cavalry, with tour troop for Beaver creek, sevcn miles away. ïhe circle is drawu to the north and east from there to Col. Henry's command; from thence to Col. Wheaton's; thence to Col. Stanford's; thence to CoL Wells'; thence to Col. Oftiey's; thence to Gen. Carr's; thence to Col. Whitney's on the Wounded Kneebattle ground, and from there back to the agency. By this arrangement the Indians are practically hemmed in. At the principal raihvay stations along the edge of the reservation state troops are quartered. The line is drawn between the Indians and the Bai Iands. Col. Foraythe KelioT-l. Iu accordance with instructions telegraphed from Washington City G?n. Forsythe has been relieved of his command of the Seventh cavalry, pending investigation of the Wounded Knee affair. Maj. Whitesides succeeds to the command of the regiment. Maj. Whitesides says the affair was an accident, that a tewmoments belore the flghtint; bogan the squaws were merrily peiting the searching party with bundles ot rags. The accepted reason for (Jen. Forsythe's relief is the manner in which his troops were placed in the fight.