On The Indian Frontier
Chicago, Jan. 6.- Rnmors from theseat of war are very thick and very sensational. The one of yesterday that Gen. Miles had been killed was knocked out conipletely, and another that there had been a dinas - ti-ous battle three miles from Pine Ridge met the same fate; djspatches received at Washington City at 6:80 last evening proved that much, and others rc-ceived here as late as 9 o'clock confirmed the proof. There are now about 7,000 troops, exclusive of the Indian pólice, on the fighting ground and that there will be a fierce, battle bofore the war is over seems without doubt. The Way Wallace Died. A soldier ut Pine Itidge gives the followiuK pHii iculars of Capt. Wullace's death at the Wounded Knee battle: Cipt. Wallace was found dead at the entrance of an ludian lodge with five dead warriors lying near him, each Indian corpse showiïig a bullet would. Five of the chambers in the oaptain's revolver were fouml empty, and trom the position in which the bodiés lay it is presumed t.hat Wallace killed the flve Indians before he waa overeóme. An Artist Captured and lieleast-d. A special f mm White River, S. I)., says Frerierick Rtiiiiington, Harpers' war artist, was captured by a siuall party of hostiles Snnday. lteruington was unarmed aud the Indians turned him loo.se and told him to go home, after takiui his tobáceo and sketchbook from him. Tht Sitnatïoii in Nebrasku. Nearly the whole of the Nebraska militia is under arms on the northwestern border of the state, the settlements there bein menaced by roving bands of Indiana.