Fight With Indians
Pise Ridgk, S. o. Jan. r.-A wagon braiu W( ouday on V. ounded Kneei fadiaua, who sorrounded it md forced the esrt aud team.sters to from behiud tkeir wagons. The Bght wns looking pretty blue íor the t.rain, whun Private Collius volunteered ío bring help. He dashed tbrough the ínejjjy's linea and in a short time a troop jt cavalry trame alloping to the resmie, gallantly (.vvecpiT),1? tiie red.skins oft' the íeld, and cuaMiix them to the hills. No Htsaaltiéa ure reiwrted aniong the troop.s. Mcillicuddy Bukes Agent Koyr. Dr.McGillieuddy ami Agent Koyer hud i battle of words yestenlay. Koyer accused McGilhcuddy of having stirred up the tndians against him, and of trying to have him (Royer) "fired." McGillicuddy retortBd that Rover was a liar aad an ass, and Royer tried to expel him i rom the ageney, but was unsuccessful. McíJillicuddy told Royer plainly that his ignorance and timidity caused all the trouble. There is trouble ahead for Rover. TUe Hostiles Suflferlng for FooU. Sixty-flvo squaws, with about the same arnnber of papooses, eame in from the hostile camp about six miles away yesterday, and are being taken care of. There ia ?reat suffering among the hostiles ou account of scarcity of food or shelter. No movement of troops is projected. It is stated that CoL Forsythe is to be rein Btated till the close of tne campaign.