Made Her Last Exit
Chicago, Jan. i. - Emma Abbott, the noted singer, died at Salt Lake City, Utah, just at sunrise yesterday. Her death was caused by pneumonía and heart trouble. She had been making a tour of the principal cities in the west. On Dec. 81 she arrived at Salt Lake City, where she was billed for a week's engagement, which she opened on New Year's night. At that time she had a siight cold, as she thought, though her physicians advised her not to attempt to appear cm the opening night. The ailment rapidly grew worse, and pneumonía set in. This was aggravated by heart trouble, due, it is thought, to the liberal use of opiates given for her relief. She sank rapidly and passed away peacefully. Her remains will be brought here and the funeral will take place Friday from Central Musio hall. Miss Abbott, or more properly Mrs. Wetherell, when dying, expressed a wish to be buried beside the body of her late husband at Woroester, Mass. It is a curious coincidence that Mr. Wetherell died in Denver exactly two years ago at almost the same hour and from the saine causes, pneumonía and heart trouble, that led to nis wife's death.
Death & Dying
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Emma Abbott
Salt Lake City UT