Mildred Fuller Married
Washington City, Jan. a- Miss Mildred Fuller, daughter of the chief justice, was married last eveniug to Mr. Hugh Wallaco, of Tacoma, Wash., at St. Johu's Episcop (1 church, by Bishop Potter. Tho churoh was packed by the elite of the cap ital's official society. Among those present -yere tlie president and Mr. Harrison, Secretary and Mrs. Windom, Poetmasfcer General and Mrs. VVannamaker, Justice Field, Senator and Mrs. Cockrell, Senator Carlisla and Senator Vanee. There was also presenta large delegation oí friends.oí tlie Fuller family from Chicago, besides the immediate relatives. After the oeremony a reception followed at the residence of the ohief juHtica Jiv. and Mr. Wallaoe vvill make their home at Tacoma, wherc the groom is in business.
Marriage Announcements
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mildred Fuller
Hugh Wallace
Tacoma WA