A General Raise Asked
Pittsbdrg, Jan. 7.- Every división superintendent of the Pennsylvania linas west of Pittsburg was vinited yesterday by committees of trammen who askod au advance in wages. The eonunittees were composed of men employed on the división governed by the Miperhitendent on whom the men called. Tiiey presented a list of grievances, the most important oL wbieh specifies that tMey shall be paid by the mile instead ot trip. They isk an increase of T5 cents a day for freight conductors and bö cents for the freight brakemen. The conductora noiv get 52.50 a trip and the brakemen S1.T5 for the samo run. They novv ask that they receive 3.Ü5 and 2.1 cents, respectively, per mili, for every run of 100 miles, and that every run liet ween 60 and 100 miles shall bu couated as a run oï 100 miles.
Labor Union
Salaries & Wages
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Pittsburgh PA