Estate of James Clancy
Estáte of James Clancy. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the ernb:,t. Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden al thi Probate4 Office in the cityof Ann Arbor. 011 Mondiij the Iwemy-sicrmd day of December in the yeai one thousand cight hundred and ninety. Present, J. Willard Babbittjudge of Probate. In tne matter of the éstate of James Clancy deceased. Edward Duffy, the ndministrator of said estati comes into court md represents that he ia now pre pared to render bis floal account as such administa tor. Thereupon it is ordered thatMonday, the 19II day of January next, at ten o'cl"ck in the fortnooi be assigned for examinin and allowing such ac count, and that the heirt, iit luw of said deceasedaní all other persons interested in said estáte are íxquiret to appear al a session of said Court, then to bi holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ant Arbor, in said County,.and show cause if anv then bc, why the said account should not be alloweO And it is fürther ordered that said administrator erivc notice to the persons interftsted in said estáte ot thi pendencyof said account, and the hearing therenj Dycausina copy of this order to be published i the AnnArbok Akgus a newspaper printed an( circulatin in said county thrce successive week previous to aaid day of hearing. J. WLLLAKD BABBITT. A truc copy.) Judtfe of Probate Wii.lüm G Doty, Probate Register.