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Notice to Creditors

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Notlce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTlf ut Wnshieuaw. sa. hoiice hertby giveti, i nat by an order of the Pr bate Court for tlk Couritv uf Washtenaw. inade tn the twenty-ninMi day of Doccmcr, A. I). 1S90, six months trom thstt ilate were aliowcd for cröiiors to present theár cl. i i ns & ajrainst the eBiate of Gcore Stocktord, lftti ofsitiil countv, deeeaaed, anilthat all creuitors of saM deceaaed aiertquired to present theit ; claims tu siiid Probüte Court, at ihe Probate Oihce ín the city ot Ann Arbor, forexainlnation and alloWBlice, Ou or bsfore the twenty-nintb day of June ueit, and i.hai euch claims will be heurd botc;e s;ud couri, on Monday, tbe thirtieth day of March, and o Monday, the twentv-binth day of June next-, at Leno'clock in the iorenoou ot' each oí said daytj. Dated. Ann Arlor.Díc. a9, A D. 89. . WILLAKD 11ABBITT, Judgeof Proliatt