Roast Coffees
The finest grades and the best coffetv for the money. It is freshly roasted, tho roasting being done under our owis supervisión. RliilOWBERÜ That will delight the hearts of house keepers who take prida in their tablesSelected with care, excellent in quality the tea-drinkers delight. Crockery, Glassware, Groceries and House Furnishing Goods. EDWARD DUFFT $500 REWARD "Will be paid to the agent of any scale company wha will say over his own name as agent, that the Jones i TON WAGON SCALE, $60, ii nor oqual to any made, and a standard rcliabte cale. For particular address only Jones of Binghamton, Bingtiamton, H.T
Edward Duffy
Grocery Stores
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Edward Duffy