Carter's Little Liver Pills
i Eici Hesöacho and relieve all tbe fcroubles tttOJöent to a biiioua state of tho eystem, Biicb. a3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinesa, Diatrees ofteff eating. Pain in tho Sida, &c While theirmosê reELtarkabi6 oucceas Las been sho-wn ia ondng sick EeaSache, yet Carter's IiltUo Livar PfllS OM equally valnable in Constipation, curing and pro Tentlng thi8 aunoying complatntwhüe thoy alaa correct all dieordersof the8tomach,Btimulatetli9 Jivorandiognlatethebowels. Even ii' tliey oeI liolsthcywoaldbealmcstpiicolesstolliosewca Bnier f rom this illetressing complaint; but f ortnjjatoly th6irBOodnes8does notondoereindthoao vrhoonoatrythemwUlünd tb.eeolittlopills'valal)3o in so many ways that t hey will not bo witjisgtodowithODttbem. Bnt after allsick lic.".J Í JEs the bane of so many Jlvea flut hora te whtrs wo mate our gre&t boast. Cnr pilla cure it wüiio Others do not. Carters Littls üver Puls are vcry small and f-ry easy to take. One or two puls makea doso. ïiity oro Btrioüy vegetablo auri do uot glipt or pr, but by tlieir gentío acüoa please aii vho iiitorhem. In viala st 25 eentB ; flvefor$l. Suli tiy clruggiate eïetj-liöre, ur acut by mail. CARTER MED5CÜNE CO„ New York. SHALl PiLL. SMALL DOSE. SHALLPR1GE
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