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One Enjoys

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Bbth the method and resulta when flyrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, lUver and BoweJs, cleanses the sysiLm efiectually, dispels colds, headashes and fevers and cures habitual wistipation. Syrup of Fig3 is the cnly remedy of its kind ever prouced, pleasing to the taste and actieptable to the stomach, prompt in 3te action and truly beneficial in its ■slïêcts, prepared only from the most iealthy and agreeable substances, its iöany excellent qualities oommend it o all and have made it the most yopular remedv known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c apd $1 bottles by all leading drug Bts. Any reliable druggist who snay not have it on hand will proinre it promptly for any one who ishes to try it. JDo Dot accept any nbstitute. CALIFORNIA FIÖ SYRUP C& SAN FRAHCíSCO, CAL4 JUXHSVlUtuXY. t'EW V OEK, t.Yr