Sulphur Bitters
i THE GREAT j Germán Eemedy 1TRUTHSFQRTHES1CK. "iTFor tiiose deat $1,000 will be paid J Bilious Speils depend for a case wliere &ULMm Sulphur phur Bitters will JJTERS, it will cnre you. not assist or cure. It J iv..nn.ntwrf.h neverfails. ■ thaUirrdandallgone Cleanse the Yitiated dtfeeling? If so, nse blood when you see IBulphor Bittebs; its impurities buistM wiU cure you. „g through the skin Operatives who are i imples, Blotches, Jcloeelyconfinedlnthe and Sores. Rely on millsand workshops; SüJLP,Hoilu Bl"'Ejss Jelerks who do not fnd health will folH procure sufficient 1; __ , Jeroise, and all who Sülphdu Bitters i oonüned indoors, will cure LlTer Com. Jrtioold use Sulphüb piaint. Don't be ciisBittkks. They will Jouraged; jt will cure ■mot then be weok and vou jinifkh-, ■ M U yon do not wish J1 Bitters Wl1' bulld 5OU "P and Jtóism, nse a bottle of alfe, ou 8tronS and TlSüLPHOR Bitters; neaitliy JB neyer lails to cure. SoLi-iuut Bitters Don't be without a will nmko your blood Jfitiottle. Try it: you pure.richand strong, will not regret it. and yonr flesh hard. Hl Ladiea in delicate Try Sulphub BitJjhcalth, who are all teus to-night, and 1 run down, Bhonld use yon will sleep well gt Bolpbur BiTTEits. and fcel better for it. Do you wtint the best Medical "Work publishet Send three 2-ct. stamps to A. P. Ordwaï & Co.i Bmton, Mass., and receive a copy free.
Sulphure Bitters
Drugs (Medical)
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