News Of The State
li. 6, P ' ■ t, "■ ' - lili ':, .-■ :i "ï i 8:]fl tea ou the loit 'i v ! i',". nmaiK ! but relcsed oii bail, .. . - . i .1 .; ■.. uot be found. Night train servia; is to b' rotored otfae Flint anl Pere Mürqvii'Ue i id .'■■iichigan Central raiiways b( tweuu Detroit and Bay City. Michigau's pauper cbildran fi;i-trs: in the ratio oL one to eacb 7,250 of hei popuhv tion, while Nev York has cue Ll every "i3 people. Charles Burmeister, a JTani-tee man, has gone to Berlín lo tvm the eJficacy ot Dr. Kock's couftumption cure Adam Wafjiic;1, ol Eastm;iBviile, ha.s ssigned with ÏBO,000 worth oi tssets to $9.000 of liabilities, siow collections bciug the cause of embarrasmfo;. Hu a the oldest business mno til tr; towu. Claimed t!i;;t Michi; ■ .■' .-i-.riT.ts at their last meeting d ■ ■- to a:1 uo special raifway rat . . .■ plan during 1S91. This 3 .. blow a , U slate associations íhai ■ ! -:d ur special me! Charles Krantz, a ("r..n iiapids wjII digger, bad a narrow esea a premaiure burial. He was placiiu; curbing at the bottoin ol a sevejity-two foot wi-U when the e.irth begau to cave io about him. Seizing a rops, Charles ixgiu pull ing hinis'i. out, but was soon caught waistdeep by the tïfacherous tuuid. Hy alrnost superauman etïort he lried himself and was dra-wu out just in time to escape death by a secoad Ciive in. A ghost is said to be lioiug busines at Boyne City, tíeveftíl people claim to have 8een the apparitiun, arnl oue man avers that his hoi-se was iriutitened into a runaway episode by the uncanny ereature. A bilí has been introducid into eongress appropriating 'Siü.UüU ior a puljlic building at Fiint. The chances lor its becoming a law are not so briuht as flint people wisi) tlley ore. . Sanilac county is being worked by a Mormon missiouary arid some converte socured, despite the fact that a general kick is beiug made by the otiier religiobs deuouiinatious. During the adiniuiatratioa of Wiliiam Alelen Siuith, as state gaiiie warden, V& peopie have Ijei-.n arrested loralk'ged violatiou of the game laws of the state, resulting in 564 convictions. Recèipts of the office, ?S,148, againstexpendituie.-sof Sti,378, though the lalter figures do uot iuclude salaries paid. Gaine is becoming more abundant throughout the state because of the protectiou alïorded by the game laws. Rev. Gcorge B. Kuip, a Battle Creek parson, was pnsented with an honorary membership in the Athlestun club, a hightoned local oi'ííauization. But the reverend gentlemau decided that he couldu't accept the proflered honor on account of certain conscientious scruplcs, and the club membtrshipis greatly agitated over the result. Miss Thursta Cummings, who lived alone near Plymouth, was assaulted by some unknown villain who cut her throat and left her. for dead. She was iound by the neighbors on the following day still alive, but can not possibly recover, if the doctors are to be believed. The wholesale dry goods house of Alian Sheldon & Co., estabüshed at Detroit nearly half a century ago by Zachariah Chandler, was dissolved on tbe last day of the oki year. The manufacturing enterprises that are being estabnshed at Grand Haven suggests to the D., L. and N. Bailway company the advisability of extending their line to that city. The Midland inerehant who displayed a conspicuous "three-quarter off" sign, just for a joke, soou concluded that it wasnt such a funny matter after all. The budden change oí mind was due to a customer who insisted on settling for a purchase at the rate of 25 cents on the dollar, and made a go of it, too. The administrator of the estáte of Elmer Van Duzen, the Elsie gentleman who was killed at Ann Arborby a Michigan Central train a year or so ago, has jast secured a $5,000 jadgmcnt against the company. Saginaw has the permission of the supreme eourt to go ahead with her proposed city hall, and the work will probably be commenced at an early date. George McCartny, who assisted in the capture of Jelï Davis as a member of the Fourth Michigan cavalry, died a few days since at Klint. AVilliam Norcronk, the Bear Lake gentleman who went to South America sotne time since in search of a fortune, has returned fully convinced that Michigan is good enough for anybody. A Diamond Lake gentleman went over to Muskegon with just L999 iu his pocketbook- lucK in odd numbers, you know. Half an hour after leaving a Muskegon store he discovered that the pocketbook With the odd change was missing. Returning to the store in breathless haste he found the money intact right where he had dropped it. Charles Campbell celebrated New Year's at Bay City by havinu a bullet extracted from the palm of a hand which he had worn for the past six years. , An Ohio young lady is holding regular meetings at a Quaker church near Roger's City and the young men of the vicinity attend with great regularity. The young lady is very bandsome and this may account for their interest. Ed Parke, of Bay City, mourns the loss of a f5,000 saw-mill burned at Hatton at the close OÜ1890. No insuraace. The ratio n of divorces to marriages is steadily increasing at Grand Rapids. Laat year one out of every flve received separation credentials, while the yearjefore the record stood one to six. Locomotiye cngiiieers on the Chicago and West Michigan want more pay, claiining their salaries are lower than that of their brethern ou any other line in the state. Buchanau druggists are agreed that the people eau get along without drugs from Saturday nii,'lit until Monday morning, and will, therefore, keep their stores closed on th flrst day of the week. V. A. Saph is a Marine City citizcu who's the proud father of twenty-two childron, all of whom u-i; üviug. WilHam Burke, an Ann Arbor citizen, iudulyed in some rather uncotnplimentary allusious to T. ,1. Keech, of the same city, aud the lat usr i-esponds with a 610,000 slander snit. Wellin;to-i K. Burt, of Saglnaw, who's been pivsidjiit of the Michigan Salt Producers' h".-"oi:!:i{ ion since its organization, decliue to longer serve in that capacity. The statu governmënt at Lansing is beiug engiacend by representatives of the Democratie party for the flrst time in more than a third of a century. Six or saven weeks ago, Isaac Nichols, a Cadillac citizen, had a finger bitten by a black squirrel; blood poisoning resulted, and the injured rapmher was aniputated fco save Isaac frora a premature journey heuce. Burglars made a complete tour of the business places at Plymouth on the last aight of the old year and secured about l worth of odd chango with which o cel& 'orate New Yeara. Osroola oounty farmers paid off 50,000 tt'Qrth of mortgage indebtedness with the proceeds of the past season's potato erop. A Decatur farmer has refused an offer of f4,000 for forty walnut trees whii h were considertl of little value at the fime h bean clep.riug his farm. Jackson has lot1 of sand and thinks a glass factory should be the logical consummation of that tact.
Allan Sheldon & Co.
Accidents - Trains
Salaries & Wages
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles Krantz
William Alden Smith
George B. Kulp
Thursta Cummings
Zachariah Chandler
Elmer Van Duzen
George McCartney
William Norcronk
Charles Campbell
Ed Parke
William Burke
T. J. Keech
Wellington R. Burt
Isaac Nichols