Fined The Three Deacons
Hellaiue, Mich., Jan. 5.- Last week at a prayer meeting f hree of the deacons in the Saiuts' church liera requested J. B. Hayes, oue of the members, who was accu--eJ of backsliding, to speak, sing, or pray, and when he refus&d the three deacons seized him and threw him out the door, bruising kim badly. Hayes thought he was misused and upplied to Jusiice Kibby for a warrant lor assauit and battery. This warrant was granted and the three deacous brought before the Eouro. Th'ey were accompanied by a crowd of the church people. Before each session oi the court Uie members knelt on the court-room floor and prayed that the hert of the justice might be softened. The Irayers Availed Not. Tlie woitum membars of the church brought their sewing and knitting, and every littln while would break into a song, and the justice was forced tosutspend operations until tliey had flnished. Hayes made a strong case, and despite the prayers and protestations of the church mem bers, Kibby lound the three deacons guilty and flned eac!i S4H. The sizo óf the fine appalltd the deacons and their crowd, and they ga herc? around the ju-stice to protesc. Kibby informeU them that he would fine the wl.ole crowd for contenipt if they did not stop. The deacons will appeal.
Assault Victim
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
J. B. Hayes
Bellaire MI