A Frightful Plunge
San Andreas, Cal., Jan. &- Twelve men were alniost instantly killed in Utica mine, Angel's camp, Monday, at about noon. A load of men were being lowered on the "skip," and when about 150 feet from the surface the rope broke, precipitating all a distanee of 460 feet to the bottom of the shaft. This makes the second serious disaster that haa occurred at Angel's camp within a little more than a year. In December, 1889, sixteen minere in Lane mine perished miserably in a side tunnel, where they were confined by a fall of earth loosened by heavy rains. Angel's is in Calaveras county, on the line of the old stage road from Stockton to Yosemite valley, and has been made famous by Bret Harte in poem and story.
Accidents - Mining
Accidental Death
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus