Rival Houses
Helena, Mont., Jan C- Montana's legslature met yesterday, and, as expected, there were two houses of representativos and only one senate. Great crowds collected in Electric Light hall, the place appointed íor meeting, in anticipation of a bigrow, but were disappoin tod. The Democrats oriíaiiized the senate, and elected officera without trouble, Lieutenant Gnvernor Rickards, whopresided, conteuting himself with putting motious made by the ten Democrats, who of course carried erything againss their sis Republican couírcrcs. The Two I.ower Houses. Wben State Auditor Kinney called the íouse to order the Democratie members lid not respond, and the Republicana went ahead to organize without them. The disputed Silver Bow members sat in their respective houses. When the time carne for the different bodies to noüfy each other that they were ortranized the Democratie house got in its work with the senate. The Republican house had sent a committee to the sonate to say it was organized and ready for business. Finían Master of the Sltuation. When the committee reached the senate, Mile.s Finían, sergeantat arms of that body, and who acted in that capacity tor the Democratie house last year, refused to announce their preseiice, but when the committee iróm the Democratie house arrived Finían promptly made their presence known. A motion from the Democratie side to receive the committee was carried, but whtn the Republiean committee got a Republican senator to move its announcement the motion was tabled. In lact, the Democrats hold all thetrumps in this game.
Elections - State Legislature
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