Wisconsin's New Governor
Madison, Wis., Jan. 6.- For the flrst time since 1874 the Democrats have a governor of the state, and he took his office yesterday very modestly. It had been eipected that a crowd of 10,000 or so woüld materializo, and it ivas supposed that Milwaukee alone would dispatch a legión of several thousand. The weather, too, was royal, mild and yet bracing, with an azure tky and a sun that beamed approringly on the ceremonies all day, but for all that the attendance from outside of Madison was not of alarming proportions. All told probably not over 2,000 from all over this broad state - Madison not included - were present. The Scène at the Capítol. When the governor-elect arrived he was received by a committee. Among the members being Gen. Lucius Fairchild, Col. W. F. Vilas, Judge R. G. Siebecker, Col. George W. Bird, George Raymer, Governor Hoard, and all his staff of departing "outs." A eheer was given and the party proceeded at once to the capitol, where the nevv state officei-s were led first to the executive office and next to the assem bly chamber. There Chief Justice Cole administered the oath of office, beginning with Governor Peck and ending with the insurance comruissioner, W. M. Root. There were no speeches and no prayers, and the whole ceremony was as simple and as unostentatious as it could well be. The Inanguration Hall. A season of handshaking and congratulations followed. The inaugural buil at night was the brilliant feature of the day's events. The assernbly chamber of the capitol was handsomely decorated, and there wus a great crush present, all parts of the state being represented. Ex-Secretary Vilas and Mrs. Vilas were at the head of the reception committee, and received the guests as they came in. The floor of the senate chamber was covered with canvas, and here the dancing was kept up until a late hour. The toilets of the ladies were elegant. Governor Hoard lef t last uight for Canada to fill a lectura engagement.
Elections - Governor
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
George Wilbur Peck
Madison WI