Clipper Fly Nets
"Thai sA Blanket is a dandy." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the 'k Book. lt has handsome pictures and val 'mble Information abnut horses. Tt,-o ot three dollars lor a sa Horse Blanket wil! make your horse worth moro and eat leis to keep warm. 5A Five IVIlis . . f 5A Boss StabSe Askíor 5A Electric 5A Extra Test ÖO other styles at prices to snit everybody. If vou can't get them from youi lea Ier. write i3 5A CHEAP AND STRONC. au other styles 5-A Nete, prlces to suit ali Wn. Aires & Sons, Philadelphia. Sold by all dealers.
Horse Tack - Manufacturing & Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus