Classified Ads
![Classified Ads image](/sites/default/files/aa_argus/aa_argus_18910109-p07-22.jpg)
VÉTATE OF MICHIGAN:- The Circuit Court for the count.v of Waehíeniiw-. ín Ch moery. Mary Meyer, Complalnant, s. Julíus Meyer, üefendaiit, W.shtenaw County, 88, Suit pending in the Circuit Court for Uu ('ounty of Washtenaw Ín Chaneery, on the 2nd üay of Deoeuiber. IKK) lu this chuso itnppearing-from aflidavito file that the defendunt Julius Meyor, does not reside in thts etatn but resides in the state of New York. Ou motlon of liensmore Craraer, solicitar tor the complainant ít íbodered that the said defenuant, Juliue Meyas, cause his appearance to be entorod herei withici tour nionttm f rotu he date of this order, and in case of his appearance. that he cause his answer to the complainant's Bill of Complaint 10 be flled in ihm cause, and a eopf tbereof to be served on said cimplainant'H solicitor withln twenty dayaafter service oo him of a copy of said Bill and notice "f thia order, and that in default thereof said Uill be tnken as confessed by tbe said non-resldent defendant. And it is further ordered, that withlo twenty days the said complainant cause a notice of this order to ba published in the Aun Arbor Argus. a nowKpaper priüted, published and cireulating in said connty, and that said publiciition beoontiuued therein at leaflt once in each week for six weeks in suceessioo, or tbat he cause a copy of this order to 'e pesonally sorved on said defendant at least tweaty days before the time above preecribed for his appearance. Dcc. 2, 1S90. IUANK A. HOOKER, Circuit Judire. BENSMORE CKAMER, Solicitor for Complair.ant. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Wahtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Edwin APeirce, doceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned. Charle H. KemoLadministrator of the estáte f said doceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washteuaw, on the eccond day of December, A. D. 1890, there will bo eold at publlo vendue to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deci'ased in the Township of Sylvan, in the Oountv of Washtenaw, in said State, on Monday the twenty-third (23rd) day of February . A D . 1801, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all enoumbrances by mortgage orotherwise ezisting at the time of the death of said deceased) the followtnf? described Heal Estáte, towit: 8ituated in the township of Svlvan, in ih County of Washtenaw, and State of Mithigao. lst The North half of the East half of the North-West quarter of Section Twcnty-four 24) (except about one and one-half acres off I from the South-West corner, estof highway, owned by Andrew B.irthj, thirty-eight and one-uiilf acres, mre or less. 2nd Tbe South half of the East half of said North-West quarter of Section Twentv-four, (24), containinjf forty acres, more or less. Srd. Commeming at the cent' r post of said Section Tweiity-l'our (24 1, and running thi'noe North on the quarter line to the North quarter postol said section, thenco East along North line of said section to the North-Hast corner thereof, thence South on the township lino tlfteen chains, thetice South cihty seven degrpes West parallel with the North line of said Seci ion fourteen chains and seventy-flve links, thence south parallel with the imviisulp line until it stiikes the quarter section line at tho North-East corner of iands deeded or Nathau Peirce to one John Cook, thence West along the East and West quarter line of said section to ihe center post. the place of bezinning, oontaining one hundred and tweuty-elght acres of land, more or less. CHAKLES H. KEMPF, Adminis trator. Datod, December 2. 1890. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULThaylng been made in the conetftionsof acertain mortgage, bearlng date ibe first day of December, 1875, made and executetf hy Cbristian Sanzi and Chrietiana Banzi. hls wile. both of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Kmanuel Beek, of the same place, and recorded 1m Liber&l, page 572, of Mort gages, in the OflBoe of the Kegister of Deeds for Wasntenaw County, State of Michigan, on the flret day of December, 1876; on which Mortgage there ia claimed to be due at the dte of this notice the sumof Fourt'On Hundred and Thirteen Dollars and flfty-flvecents, and no suitor proceeding at laworin equity havingbeen instituted to rpcover 'hesame or any purt tnereof; and said Mortgage having been duly assigned by the said Emannel Beek to John W.Beck and by the said John W. Beek to Christiana 8anzi, by deeds of assigntnent dily recorded: Now, tnerefore, notice ia hereby givon. that on daturday, March 14.1891, at the couth door of th Court House, in th" City of Ann Arbor, (the said Court House belng the place and building wh' re the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held), by virtueof the power of sale in said Mortgage contained and in pursuanceof thestatute in such cases made and provided; I shall sell at public vendue. to the highest bidder, the properiy described in said mortyage, or so rauch thereof as raay bo nec. essary to pay the principal and interest of said mortgwre, together with an attorney's fee of Twenty-flve dojliirs, as provided for in said mortyage. also all costs and expendes of thië foreclosure. Said premisea are desorlbed ia said ïnortgagre as "Tho Kast twenty (2U) feet in widlh off trom lot nnmber flve (6) in bloek number two (3) South of Huron street, range number four (-li past. In the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan." CHRISTIANA BANZI, D. Cramkr, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. Dated Ann Arbor, December 15, 1800. bstate of William H. Randall. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wa8htenai,ss. At a seseion of the Probate Court for the Oounty of WastHenuw, holden attha Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. ob Fciday, the tweKth day of December, ia the one thousand eight hundred and mnety. Present, J. Willard llabbitt, Judge of Probate. In tl.c matter of the estáte of William H. Kftu dall, deceased. On readmg imd ñiing the petition, duly verified, of Emma O. Kandall, praying that administratiou of sai! estflte may he grantea to berst lf or some r suiiable persoo, Thereupon it ie ordered, that Monday, the twelfth day of January, n?xt, at ten oclork io the fbreuoon, be assiened for tb heariDg of eid petition, And that tb heirs-at-law of said deceaged, and nü oiher persons interested in 9ftid estat. are required to appear at a session of said court th n to be holden at tiie Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and sh-" cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be raitted: And itiaturthei ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said eetateof the pendency ol said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causiug acopyoflhis order to be published in the Au Aubor ARGUs.anewspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeka previous t aid day of hearing. J. WII.I.ARD BABBITT, Atrnecopy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Abigail Dickerson. STA.TE OF MICHIGAN, CüUNTr of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probutí Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueday, the t venty-tMrd day of Dtceuibtr in the year one thousand eiefht hundred and ninety. Present, J. Wiliard Babbitt, Judge of Prohate. In the matter of the estáte of Abigail Dickerson, deceased . On reading and filinff the petition, duly verified. of Arthur 5 Van Sickle, dminis trator, praying that he may be licensed to sell the real estáte whereof said deceased died seized. Thereupon it is ordered that Tucsday the a7th day of January, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be asigned for the hearing: of said petition, and that the heiis-atlaw of said deceased, and all other persoiu interested in said estáte, are required appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grantcd . And it is' further ordered, that said petitioner givc notice to the persons interested n said estáte of the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in tïie Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks prenous to said day of hearing. J. W1LLARD BABBITT, ludge of Prohate. [A true copy.] Wiixiam G. Doty, Probate Register. iUCKiYöli. Now we are ready with a NEW BRICK STOREHOÏÏSE for the storage of household goods, pianos, books, stoves, etc Moving of bousehsld goods and pianos carefully done. All kinds of heavy andUghtdraying. Freight work. C. C GODFREV, Regldence and offloe tó Fourth Avenue Norifc. ISyTelephone 82._aa
Washtenaw County Courthouse
Probate Notice
Mortgage Foreclosure
Godfrey Moving & Storage Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mary Meyer
Julius Meyer
Densmore Cramer
Frank A. Hooker
Edwin A. Peirce
Charles H. Kempf
Christian Sanzi
Christiana Sanzi
Emanuel Beck
John W. Beck
William H. Randall
John Willard Babbitt
Emma O. Randall
William G. Doty
Abigail Dickerson
Arthur C. Van Sickle
46 N Fourth Ave