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Council Proceedings

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I.OFFICIAX.] CoüncilChamber. Jan. 6, 1801. Regular meeting. Called to order by Pres. Howlett. Roll cal!. Present - Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 10. Absent - Aid. Dieterle, Spafford, Taylor. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Tb the Honorable Conimon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen : I see by the Ann Arbor Register that you cali upon your city engineer to 'report pro gress upon "City Plot." In accord anee with which I submit the fol lowing: Coming into office unexpectedly as I did, the middle of June, just a the summer work was pressing, was at once called upon for grade and street lines, which work occu pied every day until it froze up. Not having such instruments as desired to do city work with, I or dered a transit from Buff & Berger's of Boston, which I did not receiv until the middle of November, managed to do the work requirec with such instruments as I coulc command, but they were not sucl as Í feit like nsing to take measure ments and angles, such as would be required in making City Plot, even if I had had the time. Furthermore being an entire stranger to your city, and having no data to work from, I have not ye been able to do any work upon such "Plot," but as soon as possible intend to commence and prosecute the work, and hope to present you Hon. body with a correct Plot of the city in the near future. Respectfully submitted, Smith Motley, City Engineer. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d, 1890. Received and placed on file. To ttw Common Council: You Crommittee of Finance would respectfnlly report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated: Respectfully submitted. Christian Martin, W. J. Miller, W. E. Walker, Finance Committee. Aid. Herz moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants drawn for the same. Yeas - Aids. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 10. Nays - None. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. Elmer Collins, Street Fund. . $9.00 Fred. A. Howlett, Contingent Fund 16.00 Aid. Herz moved that the supplementary report be accepted and adopted and warrants drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 10. Nays - None. To tlv: Honorable Comnwn Coimeil of the City of Ann Arbor. Vour committee and the City Attorney, to whom was referred the claim of Adolph Kemper, respectfully report that they have' had the same under consideration, and after a thorough examination of the authorities, conclude that the city is not Hable in the premises. We therefore report that the claim be disallowed. Christian Martin, W. J. Miller, W. E. Walker, Finance Committee. Thos. D. Kearney, City Attorney. Aid. A. F. Martin moved that the report the accepted and adopted Carried. ORDINAN'CE COMMITTEE. To tlic Honorable the Common Council of tiw City of Ann Arbor : Your Ordinance and Street Committeert) whom was referredthe matter of the extensions of the Ann Arbor Street Railway lines, would respectfully report in favor of granting the same, and would further suggesi that a section be added to the effect that the company give transfer tickets from one of their lines to the other, so that a person can go to any point on their lines for one fare. Respectfully submitted, Louis P. Hall, Ordinance Committee. Eug. G. Mann, Wm. j. Miller, WlLLIAM HERZ, W. G. Snow, Louis P. Halj., Street Committee. Aid. Miller moved that the reort be accepted and adopted. Aid. C. Martin moved that the whole matter be laid on the table. Yeas - Aids. Mann, Martin, Walker, Pres. Howlett - 4. Nays - Aid. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall- 6. President Howlett called Aid. O'Mara to the chair. Aid. Walker moved that the mater be laid on the table until the next regular meeting. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, Hall, resident Howlett - 8. Nays- Aid Herz, A. F. Martin - 2. LICHTING COMMITTEE. To the Honorable Common Council of tin City of Ann Arbor, Midi. : Your Committee on Lighting, to whom was referred to lócate the fth additional light, would respectully recommend that said light be placed on S. State street, near Hamilton Park. Respectfully submitted, William Herz, W. E. Walker, J. O'Mara. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Mann moved as an amendment that the light be located at the córner of Fifth arenue and Packard street. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin - 2. Nays- Aid. Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett- 8. On the adoption of the report : Yeas - Aid. Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 8. Nays - Aid. Mann, C. Martin - 2. Reports of the Marshal, Superintendent of the Poor, City Treasurer and City Clerk were received and placed on file. By Aid. fC. Martin: Whereas, John F. Lawrence, of the City of Ann Arbor, has agreed to convey for the purpose of widening División street, the following described land, to wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of División and North streets, and running easterly along the north line of North street two rods, thence northerly parallel with División street to the line fence between said Lawrence and property owned by Carrie A. DeForest, then westerly along said line fence to the east line of División street, thence southerly along the said east line of División street to the place of beginning, to the City of Ann Arbor, for the consideration of $350 ; and also, on the further consideration and condition that the said City of Ann Arbor build a plank sidewalk upon División street, when widened, along the premises of said Lawrence, and also build and complete a fence on the east line of División street similar in construction to the one now enclosing the Michigan Central depot grounds at Ypsilanti, and also build the same kind of fence on the north line of North street, where there now is no fence. Said walk and fence to be completed on or before the first day of Tune, 1801. Resolved, That the City Clerk be directed to draw a warrant payable to the said John F. Lawrence, tor the sum of $350, to be delivered to said Lawrence on the execution and delivery by him to said City of Aun Arbor of a deed of the above described premises, and that said City of Ann Arbor hereby agrees in consideration of the execution and delivery of said deed to build a sidewalk and fence for said Lawrence in the manner and according to the terms and conditions above specified. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall, Pres. Howlett - 10. Nays - None. By Aid. C. Martin : Whereas, In the matter of the proceedings to acquire the land for the purpose of widening División street, between North and Detroit streets, the jury awarded, and the court hath ordered paid therefor, sums of money from Contingent Fund, as follows, to wit: The sum of six hundred dollars to Carrie A. DeForest, two hundred and fifty dollars to Henry Cornwell and the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars to William Deubel. Therefore, Resolved, That the City Treasurer be and is hereby ordered to set apart in the city treasury and pay on demand the respective sums of money aforesaid, and also that he make and file certificates thereof, pursuant to law. Yeas - Aids. Mann, Martin, Herz, Snow, Walker, O'Mara, Miller, A. F. Martin, Hall, Tres. Howlett- 10. Nays - Nene. Council then adjourncd.