ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31, 1890, OF THE Financial Condition and Affalrs OF THE Wáshtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, located at Ann Arbor City, Michigan. Organized January 1, 1890, under the laws oí the Stato of Michigan, and doing business in the County of Washtenaw. Henry D. Platt, President. Wm. K. CH11.DS, Seo'y and Treas.. P. O. Ann Arbor, Mieh. MEBERSHLP. 1. Numbsr of Members Jan. ls(, 1800 2,364 3. Number of members added in present year 139 3. Total 2,503 4. Number of members caneolled in present year 84 5. Number of members now belonging to companj 2,419 KISKS. 1. Amount of property at risk Jan. lst. 1890 $4,(561,500 00 2. Amount of risks added during present year 227,765 00 3. Total $4,889,265 00 4. Deduct risks cancelied in present year 134,805 00 ü. Net amount now at risk $4,75i,460 00 ÜESOURCES. 1. Assessment of past year uncolleeted $ 184 14 2. Cash on hand 47 3. Capital stock of the eompany.. 4,754,460 00 4. Total tivailable resources $4,754,607 61 LIABIHT1ES. 1. For losses due and payable $ 2 00 2. Due or to becomo due for borrowed money 600 00 3. For printing, salary, etc 60 00 4. Total liabilities $ 662 00 INCOME. 1. Collected on assessment of $2.50 per Ï1.UO0 $ 11,599 23 2. Cash irom membership or policy tees 121 99 3. Cash from addcd or cancelied insnrance 414 84 4. Cash from borrowed money per notes 9,850 00 5. Cash from old company por stamped envelopes and stationery 30 00 (S. Total recelpts and income .% 22,016 06 KXPENDITURKS 1. Paid forty-one losses (fire and lightning) $ 10,410 14 2. Paid notes, borrowed money.... 9,250 Oi' i. Paid Interest on borrowed money 297 55 t. Paid incidental expense acct... 6 00 5. Paid postage account 118 30 5. Patd printing and stationery account 132 66 7. Paid collectors commission and expense 78 C9 i. Paid refunded assessment 100 . üliicers and assistance 1,684 25 10. Total Paid during the year.... $ 21,972 59 Debt of company deducting cash on band $ 666 68 STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 .= County of VVashtonaw. BB' Henry D. Platt, President, and Wm, K Dhilds, Secretar}', of satd couipany, do, and 3ach lor himself doth depose and say, that they have readthe above statement, and know the contents thereof, and that they have good reason to believe, and do believe, said stateaaent to bo true. HKNKr D. Platt, President. Wm. K. Chimís, Secretary"Sworn and subscribed tobeforemoat Ann irbor, in said State and County, this flfth day )f Januaty, 1891. Gko.H.Pond, Notary Public.