Ann Arbor, Mich.
Rubbor Shrw; mileifl woru nucomfortably ttgïit, generally slip off tbc f t. THE '-COLCHESTEE" EUBBER C#. mnl-'1 t!I Wieíi shos wíí-b in'fí'1 at heol line! ■wlth rubber. Thi3 ctin s to the shöc anü prt'Tenta Uw rauí-er IrjiB dlippíng off "adhesüvè; eouttTERS' JFOR SALE BY Wm. AUaby. John Burg, Doty &Fainer L. Gruner, W. Beinliardt & Co., A. D. Seyler & Son,
Boots & Shoes
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus