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Report Of The Condition Of The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

Report Of The Condition Of The Ann Arbor Savings Bank image
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At Aun Arbor, Michigan., at the close of business Dec. 19th, 1890. RESOURCES. LIABHJTIE8. ias and Discounts, $375,536 49 ,-, ,t , t , ... „,„ Stoeks, Bonds, Mortgajres, etc, 259,718 15 Capital stook paid m, t 50,000 00 Orerdrafta, 2,510 51 Surplus fund ÏOOUOOOO Ihie f rom banks in reserve cities .... 75,253 59 uliJIUa lwuu iw.uuu w Dne from other banks and bankers.. 7,017 20 Undivlded proflts, 31,675 78 Uue from ïreasurer School District _, ,. No. 1. A. A 12,151 25 Dividends unpaid _ 386 00 Farniture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Commercial rinnmitt K9 9vr m urrent expenses and taxes 2,932 18 ommeroial deposits 152,237 07 Öhecks and cash items, 092 05 Savings deposits, 416843 47 Niekels and pennies, 60 60 „ . , OW, J5,000 00 Due to banks and bankers 338 92 l!eeand'ÑationalBank"Ñot'e";:::::: alom 00 Certiücatesofdeposit - 26.390 35 $777,870 62 777 70 62 SBATE OF MICHIGAN, I. ...Muw ODunty of Washttsnaw. f bsI, Charles E. Hiscock, cashier of the above named bank, do soiemnly swear that the above fiBtement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chaeles E. Hiscock, Cashier. Correct- Attest: Chrlstian Mack, Daniel Hiseoek, David Rinsey, Direotors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of December, 1890. Michael J. Fritz, Notary Public. apital stock paid in, $ 50,000 I Total assets, - $761,291.31 api tal security, - 100,000 1 Surplus, - - 100,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buys and sells exchanges on New Yörk, Detroit and Chicago; sells draf ts on all the principal cities of Europe. This bank, already having a large business, invites merchants and others ïo open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid semi-annually, on the flrst days f January and July, on all sums that were deposited three months previous to ibose days, thus affording the people of this city and county a perf ectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money o loan on approved securities. Dibectoks.- Christian Mack, "W. D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, William lebel, Willard B. Smith, David Rinsey, and L. Gruner. Officers.- Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-President; iias. E. Hiscock. Cashier.