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To Build A Gymnasium

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A solution of the " Gym." problem has been found. Through the generosity of Mr. Joshua W. Waterman, of Detroit, a new gymnasium for the U. of M. athletes is practically assured . This gentleman offers to give $20,000, if an equal amount is raised within three months by the alumni and friends of the University. That this sum will be forthcomittg cannot be doubted for an instant. The wclcome and surprising news was made known to President Angelí while dining with Mr. Waterman, on Wednesday evening. Mr. Waterman said to a Detroit Tribune reporter Friday evening: " I have thought over the matter for some time, and decided to make the offer. The actual physical necessity of a gymnasium there has been apparent to me for years, and it should have been provided long ago. Nothing will take the ' colt out of young men so quick, aud it is a most effectual safeguard against riots and street rows. "lam not a gradúate of Ann Arbor, but of Yale, and I know how it used to be there when I attended college. The boys could not go to a theatre or anywhere without having a fight with the fireman or some other body on the way home. Such things are unheard of now. " The legislature has been asked for aid, but its members evidently do not understand the matter. The University has a great many wealthy friends both here and in Chicago who, I guess, have never given anything to help it, and now they have a chance to do it a great good. It ought to be an easy thing to raise $20,000, 5830,000 or even $40,000, and I limited the time to three months because I knew they would give the money now just as readily as a year later. " I earnestly hope the friends of the University will now come to its rescue." A meeting of the alumni and their friends will be held early next week at the city hall or one of the hotels, in Detroit, to endeavor to raise the necessary amount for a gymnasium for the University of Michigan. President Angell's letter announcing the liberal offer is as follows: Bditors V. OF M. Daiit: May I beg of you to announce to your readers that Mr. Joshua W. Waterman, of Detroit, has generously offered to give the sum of L20,000 to the regents of the University for the erection of a gymnasium building, provided that the alumni and othcr friends of the University will raise an equal sum. We require at least $40,000 to construct a gymnasium spacious enough for our needs. The sum of about $6,000 has been given during the last few years, mainly by the student, but in part by the citizens of Ann Arbor, for equipping and furnishing a gymnasium, and is now available for that purpose, but not for aiding in the construction of a building. As it is an alumnus of Yale who makes this generous proposition, will not the alumni and other friends of the University meet his offer with a prompt and generous response ? We should like to begin to build at the opening of spring. Let the graduates, who are so numerous in many cities, at once organize, form committees and raise money for the fund. An opportunity like this must not be lost. ■ Subscriptions will be grate - fully received and promptly acknowledged by me. James B. Angelí.. President. President Angelí had nothing additional to say this morning as to the plans for reaching the alumni. He suggests, however, that each student constitute himself a committee of one to write personal letters to hisfriends andrelatives, urging them to contribute at once. " More effective work can be done in this way than in any other," said the president. " Circulars are thrown into the waste-basket; but personal letters are always given sorae considera tion. I have written to the U. of M. alumni associations in Chicago, Kansas City and Washington, and have also sent personal letters to friends of the University. The news of Mr. Waterman 's gift, and an appeal to the alumni has i been telegraphed to the Chicago ! [apers." The University Senate met this morning to take action on Mr. Waterman's bequest. No formal plan was adopted at this meeting for securing subscriptions, but the following committee was appointed to take charge of the work: Literary department, A.C. McLaughlin, J. E. Reighard, and P. R. de Pont; medical, V. C. Vaughn ; law, J. C. Knowlton ; homeopathie, Chas. Gatchell; dental, N. S. Hopp; pharmacy, E. D. Campbell. This committee will be organized soon in order to push the work of securing subscriptions. While the committeemen have general charge of this work, it is supposed that the students will use cvery possible means to aid them. This can be done not only byraising a large fund among themselves, but by securing the assistance of friends and relatives. The enthusiasm of students and alumni is already manifesting itself in a substantial way. '88 lit class Saturday afternoon pledged $100. -