Stand From Under
Down Go the Prices. In order to move A ft H fl V 0 a laT,?e V?Ttl f never before known ygiU m Ann iiroor. A LARGE LINE OF Men's.BBïs' & CttiareE's Snits 1-3 o!ï Replar Pnces 200 single Pants at 1-3 off former price A lot ofUnderwear at 1-2 Brice T All Neck Scarfs at 1-2 price. Children's Wool and Cotton alsts at 50 cents on the dollar A few more Fur Caps at 1-2 pnce. A great reduction on every Overcoat m tne House. J. T. JACOPS & GO.'S
J. T. Jacobs & Co
Clothes - Retail
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus