The Grange In Maine
The state grange of Maine recently met at Lewiston. Worthy Lecturer Dr. Q. M. Twitcliellinade a report whichshowed considerable progress during the past year. Among ot'tier things he said: In no state in all the Union is the order upon the substantial foundation found in the old Pine Tree state. "Dirigo" our motto in the grange field as elsewhere. In no other state do we find the monuments of permanency, these grange halls, rising in so many sections, testifying to the zeal of the patrons, their love of tho organization, and the power of combined eff ort. Whether east or west, north or south, go where yon will, and grange halls stand at the f our corners, telling to the world of noble purposes and consecrated effort. Out of 220 subordínate granges in Maine, sïxtenths gather in their own homes. In the eastern portion of Washington, in the northern sections of Aroostock, among the hills of Oxford and down the valleys of York, the traveler meete these evidences of pennanency, away from town or village, where neighborhoods gather for social and intellectual improvement. Brothers and sisters, the past year haa brought a revelation to me of the worth and power of our organization, and also of the grand future which awaits ns if we are loyal to our obligations. Never was the harvest so fruitful, never were the laborers so earnest, never were the opportunities so grand for the order of Patrons of Husbandry as today. Free from all politica! alliances the order is coming to be intensely political, and patrons are arousing themselves to specific and determined action within their own party Unes which will surely secure results. The order has been grappling some of the intricate problems, and will this winter inake its power feit in the halls of legíslation. Loyal patrons of all political parties will there faithf ully and fearlessly represent our trae interests, and your duty and mine is to stand shonlder to shoulder with and behind them until results are secured.
The Grange
Agricultural Interests
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus