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Assignee's Sale. TN the matter of the estáte ot Nickolas Cor-1- dary, insolvent. Notice is hereby given that by virtueof an order dated the 12th day of January, A. D. 1891, granted by the Circuit Court, lor the county of Washtenaw. In Chancery, to ihe umiersigned, assignee of the estáte ol suid Nickoiaa Cordary, insolvent, I will sell at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, on Friday, the 30th day of January A. D. 1891, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon ot said day. at the front door of the First National Bank of Ypsilanti, in the city of Ypsilanti, all the property and all outstauding tjook accounts oí said insolvent remainiogin my hands as sueh assignee, said property described as l'ollows, tö wit : Lot. number fourteen (14) of Cross and Shutts addition on Miles street; lot number seventeeu of Cross and Shutts' additiou on the eastside of Miles street, with improvernents, and, that certain piece of land comuieneing on the east line of the west half of the northwest quarter of 6ection ten (10), town three (3), south of range seren (7) east, ihirteen '13) chaias and flfty-four (54) links, south of the northeast corner of said lot; thenee south three and three-quarters degrees east, one(l) chain and Hfty-three (53) links; thenee south 88 degrees, 'ñ minutes west, eig-ht (8) and nine (9) links to centre of Miles street; thenca north forty and three-quarters degrees west, along the centre of Miles sticet, oue (1) chaiu and ninety-seven (97) links to the southwest corner of Cross and Shutts' addition to Ypsilanti: thenco north eighty-eight(bS) degrees twenty-nvo (Üfi) minutes, east sixty-lour (64) links to the east line of said street, twenty-one 21) links to the south line of a street on the south eide of Cross and Shutts' addition, thence easterly along the south line of said street two (2) chaius and seventy-flve (75) links, to the ea6t Une of the north and south aiiey ou said addition, thenee southerly on the east line of said alley extended one (1) chain and niuety-eight (98) links 10 the eoutli line of said additiou; thenee north eighty-eight (88) dejnees twenty-flve c-Tn minutes east, along the south line of said addition addition five (ñi chaina and nine i) links to the place of tK'fdmimfi, and, the east hall of the northwest quarter, and the nortnwest quarter of the northwest quarterof seetion thirty-four (34), in towu (25), norih ol' range one (1) east, in O6COda county Michigan, Thla sale will bc made subject to connrmation by the circuit court lor the county of Waghtenaw. In Chancery. wrÈMAJM LOOK, Assijjiiee of N. Cordary, insolvent. Dated, Detroit, January 13, 1891. The Nestor of the Magazines. 'Accordlng to Homcr, Nestor, 1he old warnor and tlio wise oounuellor of the Greeks, had ruled over t.hree generations oi' men, and was wise as the iinmortal Goda." the ibth oma reïiei has been in tlie van of American thought for more than three-ouarters of a century. ranking always wit h the heet and most influential periodica'ls :u the world. It is the mouthpieee of the men whoknow most about the great topics on which Americans recjuire to be infornifd from inonth to month, its contributors being the leaders of thought and aetion in evory fleld . 'J'hof e who would take counsol of the highest knowlcdtce on the affaire of the time, and learn what is to be said reprarding them by the recognized authorities on bota sides, must therci'ore read The North American Review, The Nestor of the magazines. "The North American Review is ahead of any magazine this country has ever seen in the importancc of the topics it discusses and the eminence of itscontribulors."- Alliany Argus. "Has beeome, as it werp, the iotellisrent Americn uitizcn's handboek on greatquestions of tlio hour."- Buffalo Kxpress. "The North American Review touches Americans on most every point in which they are intorestcd."- Boston Berald. "A monlderof intelligentopinon by the impartía! presen tfttion of both 6idee of important gubject8."- Pbiladeiphia Ledger. i'he list of went contributors to the Review form a roll of representative men and omen of the time, including W. E. Gladstone J G. li aine, Cardinal Gibbons. Speaker Reed, Ex Speaker Carll8le,W. McKiuley, Jr., Ouida, Mme Adam, General Sheiman, Admiral Porter, Mme. Blavntaky, T. A. Edison, liishop H. C. Potter. Elizahelh S. Phelps, Chas. S. Parnell. A. J. Halrour, John Morley, Col K. G. Ingersoll, Henry George, Chauncey M. Depew, Edward Bellamy, I rofossor James Bryee, Gail Hamiton, etc., etc. 50 cents a Number; $5.00 a year. NOW IS THE TIMB TO SUBSCRIBE, THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. 3 East 14-th Street. New York.


Ann Arbor Argus
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